Serialization Formats

The web has spoken, and JSON is the preferred format for REST interfaces. To simplify matters on your end and ours, the v2 API only supports JSON-based formats. It is no longer necessary to supply an "Accept" header; you will always receive JSON.

Serialization Format HTTP Accept Header
JSON application/json

Example to fetch JSON (jQuery)

Here's a simple recipe fetch using jQuery:

function getRecipeJson() {
var apiKey = "your-api-key-here";
var RecipeID = 196149;
var url = "" + RecipeID + "?api_key="+apiKey;
         type: "GET",
         dataType: 'json',
         cache: false,
         url: url,
         success: function (data) {

Likewise, here's a simple recipe search:

function getRecipeJson() {
        var apiKey = "your-api-key-here";
        var TitleKeyword = "lasagna";
        var url = ""
                  + TitleKeyword 
                  + "&api_key="+apiKey;
            type: "GET",
            dataType: 'json',
            cache: false,
            url: url,
            success: function (data) {